
June 6, 2024

New theory about astronomical black holes - introducing


Due to announcement I've wrote in may this year (2024), about publishing my discovers in theoretical physic, I'm happy to publish my "New theory about astronomical black holes" in short statements.


I think that I owe you a short review, as I have some unmeasured treasure for humanity. That is a big responsibility in some terms of human future on this planet and beyond.

Sadly, that decision of publishing, I've made because of my health condition, caused by tragedy prepared by Poland. Before that tragedy, when I was under unspoken pressure caused by teachers of my children in Poland, but before Poland's "legal" kidnapping in court in east Poland, made by judges involved in trading children in Europe, 31th may of 2017, I was almost like great inventor Nikola Tesla, and wanted to share idea of new technology for new mean of transport around the world almost for free in name of great idea of freedom around the world, and that human life should be rather full of fun than full of struggling. Then, after some time, and because all that information about this world I've was exposed on, real reasons of civilization development, real human nature in that shape of humanity, and so on, I concluded, that this transport will be only like a new weapon for those, who already pushes this world in the future of extinction. That time I wanted to keep my ideas for myself, and put it in minds for those who would get that idea big and useful for humanity. Then, in next few years situation forced me, as I said in may, to share my knowledge on this form, written down on blog, for really very little audience. I hope, that some kind of keepers of the Universe, or God energy, or anything else, will make that knowledge useful only for those, who have good heart, and doesn't let the world goes on wrong path. At this day, main discoveries was made anyway, so that is in my opinion a matter of time, that this conclusion and in final result will be new mean of transportation and all world you know will change on the big scale, like it was after revolutionary AC power of Nikola Tesla, or before Copernicus theory of the Sun and planets around.

I said many times that theory, about Astronomical Black Holes, is one of basics to create new technology for incredibly revolutionary brand new means of transport. I think that main puzzles which are needed to create it are in my theories about The Universe, 3-parted Kind of Energy and Box of Conditions, and this one is only additional. But still that is something we can start from, due to today science savoir-vivre and better understanding by scientists around the world.


Previous article about totally new theory about Black Holes in the Universe with links and pictures of manuscripts you can find here:

New theory about astronomical black holes - short statements

Still I hope that like Copernicus' theories many years ago, someone will find all my theories revolutionary.