
June 13, 2024

New theory about astronomical black holes - short statements

  1. "A black hole is an astronomical object with a gravitational pull so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape it." - NASA*

    You're wrong. If that feature would be correct, then one of that kind of super massive object would pull entire Universe many millions years ago.

  2.  "A black hole’s 'surface', called its event horizon, defines the boundary where the velocity needed to escape exceeds the speed of light, which is the speed limit of the cosmos." - NASA*

    You're wrong again. Light is distracted on sort of "surface" of that astronomical object, and that more of light particles makes the area by this object much brighter.

  3. Matter and radiation fall in, but they can’t get out. - NASA*

    No, that is not what happen there. If that would happen, all black holes would explode finally because of overloading.

* all statements from "NASA"are from official site of NASA:

June 6, 2024

New theory about astronomical black holes - introducing


Due to announcement I've wrote in may this year (2024), about publishing my discovers in theoretical physic, I'm happy to publish my "New theory about astronomical black holes" in short statements.


I think that I owe you a short review, as I have some unmeasured treasure for humanity. That is a big responsibility in some terms of human future on this planet and beyond.

Sadly, that decision of publishing, I've made because of my health condition, caused by tragedy prepared by Poland. Before that tragedy, when I was under unspoken pressure caused by teachers of my children in Poland, but before Poland's "legal" kidnapping in court in east Poland, made by judges involved in trading children in Europe, 31th may of 2017, I was almost like great inventor Nikola Tesla, and wanted to share idea of new technology for new mean of transport around the world almost for free in name of great idea of freedom around the world, and that human life should be rather full of fun than full of struggling. Then, after some time, and because all that information about this world I've was exposed on, real reasons of civilization development, real human nature in that shape of humanity, and so on, I concluded, that this transport will be only like a new weapon for those, who already pushes this world in the future of extinction. That time I wanted to keep my ideas for myself, and put it in minds for those who would get that idea big and useful for humanity. Then, in next few years situation forced me, as I said in may, to share my knowledge on this form, written down on blog, for really very little audience. I hope, that some kind of keepers of the Universe, or God energy, or anything else, will make that knowledge useful only for those, who have good heart, and doesn't let the world goes on wrong path. At this day, main discoveries was made anyway, so that is in my opinion a matter of time, that this conclusion and in final result will be new mean of transportation and all world you know will change on the big scale, like it was after revolutionary AC power of Nikola Tesla, or before Copernicus theory of the Sun and planets around.

I said many times that theory, about Astronomical Black Holes, is one of basics to create new technology for incredibly revolutionary brand new means of transport. I think that main puzzles which are needed to create it are in my theories about The Universe, 3-parted Kind of Energy and Box of Conditions, and this one is only additional. But still that is something we can start from, due to today science savoir-vivre and better understanding by scientists around the world.


Previous article about totally new theory about Black Holes in the Universe with links and pictures of manuscripts you can find here:

New theory about astronomical black holes - short statements

Still I hope that like Copernicus' theories many years ago, someone will find all my theories revolutionary.


May 16, 2024

trailer of a new information

I'm decided to share with You all my knowledge here instead of recording videos or books.

Tragic in my life, that happened in Poland, forced me to stop my project about new means of transport, based on my theories about The Universe, Astronomical Black Holes, 3-parted Kind of Energy and Box of Conditions. I'm afraid, that I will not be able to do that transportation at all. My health is in bad condition.

In this place I would like to point that many polish officers are fully responsible for my tragedy, as my ex-husband who used anti-families polish law system too.

Previous article about totally new theory about Black Holes in the Universe with links and pictures of manuscripts you can find here:

I hope that like Copernicus' theories many years ago, someone will find my theories revolutionary.

See you soon,


April 23, 2020

The theory about astronomical black holes by Magdalena Korzeniewska in English

Very first articles about an astronomical black holes - analysis of research methods and enunciation of the theory - was published in polish language by the author. You can find them in links below.

The manuscript in polish (available translation by google blog) -

The theory full version (with small changes comparing to the manuscript) -

A few facts about manuscript of The Theory Of Black Holes As Anti-space Singularity:

- the theory was written by Magdalena Korzeniewska (Huszla) - master in science in 2001, master in meditation, fan and propagator of yoga as a life style,
- manuscript is dated on 1st March 2018, written in Poland,
- the first public mention was in social media as simple notes and later posts (2016-2018) on privet Facebook's account of the author (no longer available).

The theory about astronomical BLACK HOLES

by Magdalena Korzeniewska



1. The basis for considering the theory of the existence of black holes is their observation by man. The important fact is the lack of stable evidence nowadays about the properties of space-time in which we exist as humans. Human kind, as well as organic and inorganic matter, and many other discovered types of energy manifested in various stable forms in our time and space.
Referring to the fact that the conditions for conducting observations and experiments, the latter are not very possible in the "natural environment" of black holes. This is conditioned by the specificity of the system - the world in which we exist as people, and the main factor associated with this world - space. This space, in astronomical measurements, research based on the path traveled by light, is theoretically incomparable to space - the distances we deal with every day and are able to carry out scientific experiments.

Therefore, the basis for considering what theory is and has been so far. And unfortunately, at the level of time-space considerations as the only and main center in which anything can exist, there will be only theory, unsupported practice.

2. Nevertheless, all inventions were born in the minds of their creators first as a theory. The consequence was only putting effort and energy into the clear extraction of brilliant thoughts to the light of day. (What a metaphor.) Experimental tests of operation and only after many attempts and failures, the existence of the invention. Or by accident when experimenting for other purposes.

However, this may not be possible with black hole theory and experiment. You have to take into account this possibility, then the conditions of the experiments carried out may change. Apart from certain conditions, which theoretically have no meaning at the moment, the most important thing is to allow the notion that something exists outside of space-time. Distinguishing time-space as an energy creation of various forms of energy, manifesting itself in the form of various energy structures with specific physical and chemical properties. These properties determine and unequivocally determine the behavior of these structures in space and time in the environment and, or reactions with other structures also being "closed" in space and time.

Separating time-space and something that can exist beyond that, further our perception, perception of people, is still focused on location - searching for a specific space. 'Beyond' does not have to mean 'a hole' for energy to be 'beyond' what connects it to space-time.

I use the name space-time intentionally, without separating time and space. For one very specific reason - time and space are inextricably linked. You can't observe space without time. And without space you cannot observe time - the passage of time.

One of the most important observations we have available nowadays, that is at the beginning of the 21st century, is the possibility of observing the blue vault by devices called telescopes and other devices with a similar principle of operation. The main role in observing everything that today's science has touched is light. In telescopes, light, exactly the properties of energy that we observe as light - is a determinant and a means of measuring distance. I would like to draw attention to a certain ailment of telescopes and thus their limitations regarding the measurement of various types of energy. Telescopes, as well as one of the senses in man, is strictly dependent on the possibilities and properties of light. Light is defined as a kind of energy with its bipolar properties, the so-called bipolar nature of light. Wave and molecular. It is important that both properties and the translation of phenomena from the wave side of light and its molecular nature is closely related to space. In the understanding of today's considerations, space-time.

By examining the same distances and trying to determine the properties of objects seen through telescopes, we are dealing with a very limited means used for these studies. Limited in time and space. And to be precise, space research is just a projection of what can be explored in the narrow waveband that the space is exploring. Specifying, thus, the research methods, which is sending and receiving electromagnetic waves in the range of light waves.

Thus, using light to observe objects and phenomena outside the Earth, we are not able to study something that does not show spatial properties and is "outside" time-space.

Hence, anything, any energy that can be observed with this tool, a tool based on the matter of light, will only be possible when observing phenomena and objects with time-space properties. An attempt to observe the object "out" of space-time is doomed to failure.

In the face of what light is and the observation of "black holes", I dare to say that black holes are objects, or a type of medium, not having time-space properties. Lack of information about time and space causes their "incompatibility" with a research device such as telescopes and similarly functioning devices.

3. The conclusion from the above consideration is the statement and theory that black holes are characterized by a lack of space-time.

Magdalena Korzeniewska.
Bialystok in Poland, 23th April 2020.

September 24, 2019

a Reason and its Result

I was wondering a while, that publish that post in english or in polish language. The choice isn't obvious. English is considered as one of most popular language on the world nowadays, however, there are many available ways to translate any language to another one. In such new order in internet age. Our times are historic in many years after our generation, just because of easy way for communication between people, sharing data, pictures, ideas, everything that can be written into zero-one code for computers. Via internet is not even one second to send it to one continent to another. One second. From one CONTINENT to another...

What is that one second.

That possibility of sending picture to friends from Europe to Australia, Asia, or both America is for young generation so obvious, that it just is. Just exists. It is so natural, that you can speak via any app, application for smart mobile phones, using you mobile, with someone in another continent on the Earth. Jump of technics lately, been so quick, comparing to our time on the Earth, that it is just a miracle itself.

I'm not going to list out of our technician and civilization reachments. It is the time I want to discuss today. And the key of that will be the way we as humans can precept it.


Maybe we should start from the end.

Our senses, five of them, used to considered matter around as solid and placed in linear time. There is the picture, that now is "now", second before and on is "the past", second build on our expectations is "the future".

It is the time for our brains. This is how we used to live in this world. Being more specific this is how WE CREATE that world. That subject, about creating space-time continuum, I'm leaving for another time.

Now I want to focus on some phenomenon which time is indeed.

Maybe some of You can ask, how I could name that "the future" something made from our expectations. Where is the science then. What with hundreds of experiments proving that physics we have. Mechanics, any matter mechanics and others fields. It almost sounds like nonsense to base "the future" just on something even not really existing, or considered as not solid, and not... Yes, it might be not so solid, not so sure, because we, our brains are used to think in such categories we were taught. And all around we search for something similar to that we consider solid and stable in its state.

This is not philosophy lecture, even it is seems to be. It is all about time.

Once again. Our senses is that we start and end any experiment. ANY experiment. It is we are, that some particles are around to accomplish that experinent in that expecting result. It might be a big revolution in our civilization. And I think it is next step to tame our space-time environment. I hope simultaneously that will be for our better future, actually I know, for some new understanding of "space", "time", and "space-time", and space and time connection.

For understanding energy on the Earth, and our existence here more. For developing our civilization into another stage of human beings.

Time is the key. Time is the question and the answer at the same time.

What if... The reason and the result is not one after another, just they exist only in the same moment, in the same time. Are correlated in this way because result can not be "result" without "reason". And additionally result is known with the same moment, the same time that the reason appears.

This is possible, and even more, I will prove that is the science by Big S.
Just after building my "Light Jump" prototype. In innovate "light Jump" project for new transport type.

Greetings, and A plus tard,
Magdalena Korzeniewska.

Bialystok, Poland.

April 15, 2019

NASA Black Hole Picture

NASA Black Hole Picture, April 2019

Under that link above you can find my totally new theory about ASTRONOMIC BLACK HOLES. You can translate it with google option for whole sites, or by copying whole text with my theory to some translator (google translator is quite good).

If you are wondering why MY THEORY about BLACK HOLES isn't famous, you can imagine, what would be happen if all theoretical physics say that their work is like playing in playground, not real science. Or maybe real, but nobody before haven't found so obvious fact. The clue was there, whispered between their articles for science carrier, but no one was brave enaugh to admit that is a wrong way to discover anything beyond Earth space-time.

Magdalena Korzeniewska

Light Feather

July 28, 2018

3-parted kind of Energy

As we used to think about our world it is always stable.

All theories about multiple universe or some non-solid stuffs involving that our world in such non-solid imagination of life is sometimes too crazy even for some scientist.

But as I wrote in previous lectures all nowadays science bases on observation and experiments. Maybe "experiment" word isn't complete for that I mean now. It would better to say that our science, in 2018, in beginning on XXI century, bases on observation and exams. Still on observation and exams since we, as humans, discovered a wheel.

Examined behavior if is repeatable can be used and ready for being useful.

All around we can see some of dual nature of energy. There in some microscope scale is more difficult to observe, anyway, we do that by observation of material we can exam and observe. Impact is important as well. It is most useful tool in science at all.

Maybe it wont be very popular between scientist, but it is the fact, that most of that we have as obvious in physic is like a ghosts. Not seen. Not touched. Any of our sense cant accept that kind of energy. We can't see all of quantum physic. Our senses aren't compatible. Then, when we are saying, that something is just working, that must be in science more than telling that, not only believing in such testament making that is possible.

However, so far science can't explain such things as levitation, remote viewing, teleportations of matter.

Or maybe teleportation isn't a mystery already, because few years ago, in Japan and after that in China, teams of scientist made something like teleportation basics particles.

Then, isn't our word so solid? Or aren't our worlds so solid? What kind of impact can bring it into our lives?

It is definitely blow minded.

What can happen with our world, if we, as humans discover the biggest secret of our world. And we get desire to use it...

What if... is as terrify as magnetic to get into new possiblities of totaly new perspective on our world and us as humans.

Ah, almost I forgot what about I wanted make that lecture. Isn't it funny that all begans from big bang, and nobody can exam it?

If it is real, and can be proved, how to prove it for sure? Why still we have many only theories, instead of one knowledge about that. But still it is real science now.

Maybe because it leads to biggest mystery of that world. It lead us to knowing ourselves. Our energy nature. And basic law of that whole world. It is - dualization,
 or how we can say 3-parted of every kind of energy on Earth and around.

Magdalena Korzeniewska.

July 26, 2018

Why E = mc2 isn't good enaugh

Most popular equation in physic E = mc2, is like a monument of science nowadays.

If anyone on this Earth dare to deny that already grounded in every human mind equation, and theory behind it, would be or a very crazy or a really great mind.

So, it is worth to try. ;)

Taken for granted theory already evaluate anyway. It is not much in common with many equation from other fields of physic, where "E" as energy, "m" as mass and "c" as the speed of light is taken. How much any other equation has in common of speed of light and energy of representation by E in famous E = mc2.

Almost nothing. It is just incredibly taken as genius, but it is not much more we can get from that. I know, it is not standard thinking. Simply, If we want to say, how much of energy is in some X... and that is very interesting part of making any explanation. Just because we used to thing in space - time categories, it is a little bit more difficult imagine something without space, shape, without any environment. If we want to point some thing, it must be in some environment. Even it is something without solid shape as wind, taste, color, etc.

Then for simple our example, lets take a green box on grace. What energy that box is having now? Can you define it by speed of light? No - it would be nonsense, because it is nothing in common with speed of light now. Then equation E = mc2 isn't good here. Even we don't know that mass of this example box for put in that equation. Then, what energy has it?

We must take some other parameters to have specific equation to calculate energy it owns. Lets outline all of them. No, you can say, it's waste of time now. Yes, I agree, there in nowadays science we have so many, really many parameterizes of some one box, and that is not everything for define its energy E yet. That can be many of kinds of energy it has. We don't know what equation we can use, just because we don't know, what we want to do, or for what movement will be exposed that example box.

So, that equation E = mc2 isn't useful actually.

Why then scientists had rubby faces with talking about that. I think, they didn't have any idea how to link such many of already existed theories with energy of light. It is some misstatement in that way of thinking.

That equation is already connected with space, and made mass as a indicator of that specific energy. Then it isn't so universal. There is possible to have any really universal equation for all energies, kinetic, potential and many others ready to use in all our known world? I think it is.

In purpose I used term of energy with mass in one sentence. Just because mass is something we used to use for things, to measure HOW heavy they are. On earth. In some SPACE - TIME environment.

Then, one thing as a conclusion. If we want to take some energy, and make from that any use, equation E = mc2 isn't helpful. It is opposite, not saying how much of energy has anything we want to exam, but it says what energy it would have in some not real environment. It is not wrong, but not efficient actually.

In any part of making any calculation in physics we must take some other parameterizes and use many of other calculations to make some right at the end.

Anyway, if we want to just say about energy in such example box, it is sort of useless. If we make some calculation in any field of nowadays science there are many of variables we must know. Before we calculate anything. To built buildings, bridges, engines for many transports like cars, planes, etc.

Being more specific, all around is energy.


Then, why we can't use some universal rules for all energies we already defined as humans.

It seems be very controversial, but it isn't as much. In some few years, I hope, I finish my theory of 3-sides of energy, or 3 - parts of energy. Making all calculations more efficient and more understandable.

In some time I'm going to tame our space-time singularity as well as Einstein made it with energy of light.

Magdalena Korzeniewska,
2018, Lega, Poland.

March 5, 2018

Artykuł o astronomicznych czarnych dziurach

 Link do zdjec recznie napisanego artykulu

Artykuł o astronomicznych czarnych dziurach - analiza metod badawczych i sformułowanie teorii.

Obok link do poprzedniego wpisu ze zdjęciami z mojego rękopisu,

a poniżej jego elektroniczna wersja, z nieznacznymi poprawkami.

1. Postawą rozważań teorii istnienia czarnych dziur jest ich obserwacja przez człowieka. Istotnym faktem jest brak w dzisiejszych czasach stabilnych dowodów na właściwości czasoprzestrzeni w jakiej istniejemy jako ludzie. Człowiek, jak i materia organiczna, i nieorganiczna oraz wiele innych odkrytych rodzajów energii przejawiającej się w rożnych stabilnych postaciach w naszym czasie i przestrzeni.

Odnosząc się do faktu warunków przeprowadzenia obserwacji i eksperymentów, te drugie nie są zbytnio możliwe w "naturalnym środowisku" występowania czarnych dziur. Jest to uwarunkowane specyfiką układu - świata w którym istniejemy, jako ludzie, i związanego z tym światem głównego czynnika - przestrzeni. Przestrzeń ta, w pomiarach astronomicznych, badaniach opierających się na drodze przebytej przez światło, teoretycznie, jest nieporównywalnie wielka do przestrzeni - odległości z którymi mamy do czynienia na co dzień i jesteśmy wstanie przeprowadzić eksperymenty naukowe.

Podstawa rozważań więc, czym jest i była do tej pory teoria. I niestety, na poziomie rozważań czaso-przestrzeni jako jedynego i głównego ośrodka, w jakim może istnieć cokolwiek, będzie tylko teoria, nie poparta praktyka.

2. Niemniej, wszelkie wynalazki rodziły się w głowach ich twórców najpierw jako teoria. Następstwem dopiero było włożenie wysiłku, energii, w klarowne wydobycie genialnych myśli na światło dzienne. (ależ metafora) Eksperymentalne sprawdzenia działania i dopiero po wielu próbach i niepowodzeniach, zaistnienie wynalazku. Albo tez w drodze przypadku przy eksperymentach do innych celów.

Niemniej, w przypadku teorii i eksperymentu czarnej dziury może to być niemożliwe. Trzeba się liczyć z taka ewentualnością, wówczas warunki przeprowadzonych eksperymentów mogą ulec zmianie. Pomijając na razie pewne warunki, teoretycznie na razie nie mające żadnego znaczenia, najważniejszym staje się dopuszczenie wyobrażenia, ze istnieje coś poza czaso-przestrzenią. Wyróżniając czaso-przestrzen jako twór energetyczny rożnych form energii, objawiającej się w postaci rożnych struktur energetycznych o określonych właściwościach fizycznych i chemicznych. Właściwości te wyznaczają i jednoznacznie określają zachowanie się tychże struktur w przestrzeni i czasie w otoczeniu i, bądź reakcjach z innymi strukturami również będącymi "zamkniętymi" w czasie i przestrzeni.

Oddzielając czaso-przestrzen i coś, co może istnieć poza tym, dalej nasze postrzeganie, postrzeganie ludzi, dalej jest nastawiona na umiejscowienie - szukanie konkretnej przestrzeni. "Poza" nie musi oznaczać "dziury", żeby było możliwe zaistnienie energii "poza" tym, co wiąże ją z czaso-przestrzenią.

Celowo posługuję się nazwa czaso-przestrzeni, nie rozdzielając czasu i przestrzeni. Z jednego bardzo konkretnego powodu - czas i przestrzeń są nierozerwalnie ze sobą związane. Bez czasu nie można zaobserwować przestrzeni. I bez przestrzeni nie można zaobserwować czasu - upływu czasu.

Jedna z najważniejszych obserwacji jakie mamy dostępne w dzisiejszych czasach, to jest na początku 21 wieku, jest możliwość obserwacji sklepienia niebieskiego przez urządzenia zwane teleskopami oraz inne urządzenia o podobnej zasadzie działania. Główną rolę w obserwacji wszystkiego, czego dotknęła dzisiejsza nauka jest światło. W teleskopach światło, dokładnie właściwości energii jaką obserwujemy jako światło - jest wyznacznikiem i środkiem do pomiaru odległości. Zwracam uwagę na pewna przypadłość teleskopów i tym samym ich ograniczenia co do pomiarów rożnych rodzajów energii. Teleskopy, jak i jeden ze zmysłów u człowieka, jest ściśle uzależniony od możliwości i właściwości światła. Światło określone jest jako pewien rodzaj energii o jej dwubiegunowych właściwościach, tak zwanej dwubiegunowej naturze światła. Falowej i cząsteczkowej. Ważnym jest fakt, ze obie właściwości i tłumaczenie zjawisk od strony falowej natury światła i od jej cząsteczkowej natury jest ściśle związana z przestrzenią. W rozumieniu dzisiejszych rozważań czaso-przestrzenią.

Badając tym samym odległości i próbując określić właściwości obiektów widzianych przez teleskopy mamy do czynienia z bardzo ograniczonym środkiem użytym do tychże badan. Ograniczonym w czasie i przestrzeni. A dokładnie rzeczy ujmując badania kosmosu są tylko rzutem tego, co w wąskim pasmie fal, jakimi badany jest kosmos, może być zbadane. Uściślając, tym samym metody badawcze, jakim jest wysyłanie i odbieranie fal elektromagnetycznych w zakresie fal świetlnych.

Tym samym używając światła do obserwacji obiektów i zjawisk poza Ziemia nie jesteśmy w stanie zbadać czegoś, co nie wykazuje właściwości przestrzennych i jest "poza" czaso-przestrzenią.

Co za tym idzie, cokolwiek, jakakolwiek energia, możliwa do zaobserwowania tym narzędziem, narzędziem opartym na materii światła będzie tylko możliwa w przypadku obserwacji zjawisk i obiektów mających właściwości czaso-przestrzeni. Skazana na niepowodzenie jest próba obserwacji obiektu "poza" czaso-przestrzenią.

W obliczu tego, czym jest światło, i obserwacja "czarnych dziur", ośmielam się stwierdzić, że czarne dziury są obiektami, bądź rodzajem ośrodka, nie mającymi właściwości czaso-przestrzennej. Brak informacji o czasie i przestrzeni powoduje ich "niekompatybilność" z urządzeniem badawczym jakim są teleskopy oraz podobnie działające urządzenia.

3. Wnioskiem z powyższych rozważań jest stwierdzenie i teoria, ze czarne dziury charakteryzują się brakiem czaso-przestrzeni.

Następstwem powyższego stwierdzenia są kolejne twierdzenia, o których wkrótce.

March 1, 2018

Teoria astronomicznych czarnych dziur (in english very soon)